FC Commissions

Heya! Below has all the info you need before getting in touch with me for a commission! There will be my ToS, examples, and prices.

Terms and Conditions

Here are some rules and guidelines you should look at before commissioning.

*Any art you purchase from me is for private use only, you may repost anywhere so long as you give credit where its due.
*All payment must be received in full before I start your piece. No partial payments.
Refunds are applicable if I havent started your piece yet, there will be no partial refunds.I have a right to refuse any commissions.Edits can be made during the sketch phase for any changes you would like on the composition or character, you will receive WiPs as the process is worked on, you may also ask for current progress. If the error is on my end please be direct and tell me and it will be changed. Make sure you have your colors set and confirmed cause there will be no major editing during the color phase.

Status: Open

Adding another character will double the price.
Shading to any piece will add +40$
Complicated designs and added armors may be an added charge due to complexity.


30$ B/W || 50$ Color

B/W Sketch

$60 half-body || $90 Full body

Colored Lines

$90 half-body || $120 full-body

Reference Sheet

Starting price: $200

A design sheet for your character!
These start at the price above but can be quoted a custom price based on the work requires/what the client wants.

TF Sequence

Full color Full body
One Stage: $120
Two Stages: $220
Three Stages: $300
Half Body Sequences
One Stage: $90
Two Stages: $160
Three Stages: $230

Sequences are up to the clients discretion, however the price will be higher based on the amount of work required.